What’s in a name?
ON the way home from Bury Market the other day we found ourselves behind this van, bearing the legend LightWeight Roofing Solutions Ltd. Which is just what you want in … Continue readingWhat’s in a name?
A compendium of musical delights by Alan and Margaret Ashworth
ON the way home from Bury Market the other day we found ourselves behind this van, bearing the legend LightWeight Roofing Solutions Ltd. Which is just what you want in … Continue readingWhat’s in a name?
Sorry, couldn’t resist a band called Rebel Duck. Don’t suppose there’s one named Recalcitrant Rhode Island Red, is there?
‘I’m from a town so small they didn’t put it on the map.’
A very different selection from the previous two of the same title; here we get two nowheres for the price of one.
After yesterday’s live Dylan performance, here’s the veteran jazz guitarist’s take on the Moptop choon.
This claims to be the only recorded version of Dylan covering the Beatles song, so you’ll forgive the poor sound quality I hope.
A first A & M mention for the understated folkies from New York.
This features memorably at the end of the excellent movie Red Rock West. It comes from the Yoakster’s 1993 album This Time.
WITH cats much in the news at the moment (what on earth possessed the brother to put Kurt Zouma’s drop-kicking activities on the internet?), I cannot help but recall an … Continue readingThe cat down the khazi
Much-covered tune from His Bobness’s earlier days.