Focus: Sylvia
For a brief spell in the early 1970s everyone was crazy about the Dutch guitarist Jan Akkerman. Here is his band Focus playing on the Whistle Test. Note the square-headedness … Continue readingFocus: Sylvia
A compendium of musical delights by Alan and Margaret Ashworth
For a brief spell in the early 1970s everyone was crazy about the Dutch guitarist Jan Akkerman. Here is his band Focus playing on the Whistle Test. Note the square-headedness … Continue readingFocus: Sylvia
The Shugster was just 16 when in 1969 he made his first solo LP Here Comes . . . including this song. By then he had played bass on the … Continue readingShuggie Otis: Jennie Lee
Live 1980s version of the Top Gear theme tune.
THE longest six months of my life was spent working at a cardboard factory in the gap between leaving school and starting a journalism course. It paid extremely well, with … Continue readingNot cut out for cardboard
This gives me the chance to air my long-held theory that His Bobness nicked the tune for Sara from the song Chim Chim Cher-ee, which featured in the Mary Poppins … Continue readingBob Dylan: Sara
Live performance from 2007. Her first version came 32 years earlier on the Horses album while the original, by Them, was 11 years before that in 1964.
In memory of Nes, who has died of heart failure aged 78.
For the missus. Nuff said.
This was my first-ever track of the day in tribute to my daughter, who designed this website. Here it is again.
Included purely for the sax player’s tragic hairstyle – as in the case of Ed Balls, so bad it couldn’t be a wig.