Frank Black and the Catholics: California Bound
Surprisingly tuneful 2002 effort from the Pixies front man.
A compendium of musical delights by Alan and Margaret Ashworth
Surprisingly tuneful 2002 effort from the Pixies front man.
I HAD planned this to be the final instalment of my list of favourite albums but enjoyed revisiting them so much that my keyboard ran away with me. So here … Continue readingMy Top 100 Part Ten
From his eponymous 1968 debut album. Good, too.
From the excellent 1970 LP Shooting at the Moon. And here’s Bridget singing it with a Japanese folk musician in 2010.
Couldn’t resist another clip from the great Nina Conti.
From 1980. How like Elvis Costello he was in his early days.
Further Hunnery, this time more of the prog persuasion, from the 1978 album Solar Music Live. I particularly like the bass player.
I can’t believe this – something funny on the BBC.
Continuing the German theme, this is the opening track from the 1974 album Zuckerzeit. The Cluster boys also teamed up with Brian Eno a few times.
From the krautrockers’ 1973 album Wintrup. And here’s a bizarre live version on a TV talkshow. Dig the presenter’s barnet.